
Take 2

I know what you are thinking, you have seen this, or you have if you have looked at my older posts. This is, in fact, a different model. I painted the same in 2014 for Monday Miniatures (you can see the post here). 

My opinion has not really changed since the last time I painted this model and if I was to use one 'word' to describe it then I would say "meh". So why did I paint it again? Well my husband was looking at making an undead army for Age of Sigmar (I think, he plays to many systems) and wanted to include Bat Swarms. While for the most part he does use official miniatures, occasionally he will use a bones miniature here or there when he dislikes the official model (or its metal). He has since got distracted by Warmachines so I don't know if he still plans to make that army. If he does, I will most likely have to paint another 4-6 of these but I probably wont post about it. 

The reason I decided to share this post was, although I kept the same paint scheme, I could see some improvements in my painting even in such a simple model. The red eyes I think are better and I went darker on the highlights on the wings, which I think looks better and also separates the bats from the gravestone.

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